General Meeting of shareholders is the highest decision-making body of Harvia that decides on matters stipulated by the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act and the company’s Articles of Association. The Annual General Meeting is held annually on thedate set by the Board of Directors within six months of the end of the financial period. An Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened to discuss a specific issue if the Board of Directors deems it necessary or it is otherwise required by law. Harvia’s General is held in Muurame, where the company is registered, or in Helsinki, and is convened by the Board of Directors.
The Annual General Meeting decides on
The notice of the General Meeting is published on the company’s website or by a newspaper announcement which is published in at least one widely circulated daily newspaper chosen by the Board of Directors. The notice shall be delivered to shareholders no earlier than three months and no later than three weeks before the meeting, and in any case at least nine days before the record date.
The notice includes the agenda for the General Meeting, proposals by the Board of Directors and Committees as well as the meeting registration and participation instructions. To be entitled to participate in the General Meeting, a shareholder needs to be registered in the company’s shareholder register at least eight (8) business days prior to the General Meeting as well as register their participation in the meeting in the manner specified in the meeting notice. Holders of nominee-registered shares may also attend the General Meeting by registering themselves in the register of shareholders on a temporary basis.
A shareholder may attend General Meetings either in person, or via a representative authorized by the shareholder. At the General Meeting, all shareholders are entitled to raise questions and propose resolutions regarding issues on the agenda. Harvia has one class of shares, and every share entitles a shareholder to one vote at the General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting of Harvia Plc will be held on Tuesday 8 April 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (EEST) in Little Finlandia’s Honka-hall at Karamzininranta 4, FI-00100 Helsinki.